Laravel Collections – What are they? How to use them?

11 Min | April 24, 2024

If you’ve ever struggled with complicated, hard-to-read code when working with arrays in Laravel, you’re not alone. As your project grows, managing large data sets with simple PHP arrays can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where Laravel Collections come in, offering a cleaner, more efficient way to handle and manipulate your data.

Collections are a type of fluent, array-like data structure that extends the native PHP array to provide a variety of helpful methods for working with data sets. At their core, Laravel collections are simply arrays with additional helper methods. With collections, you can chain methods like map, filter, sort, and reduce—tasks that would typically require extra loops or conditionals in regular PHP. Plus, collections integrate smoothly with Eloquent and other Laravel features, making your code more concise and efficient.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key benefits of using collections, such as how they simplify data manipulation, allow easy method chaining, and boost productivity when working with Eloquent results. Whether you’re new to Laravel or looking to optimize your workflow, collections are a game changer for managing data in your web applications.

Let’s dive into how collections can make your Laravel experience smoother and more enjoyable!

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What are Collections in Laravel?

Collections in Laravel are a powerful, array-like data structure that builds on PHP arrays. Although they start as simple arrays, collections come with many extra methods that make working with data easier and more efficient. These methods help you write cleaner, more readable code when working with arrays, one of the key features that make Laravel stand out.

Instead of writing complex loops or conditionals to filter, sort, or modify data, collections provide a chainable, object-oriented approach. This means you can perform operations on your data in a simple, expressive way without worrying about manually handling array keys or iterating through elements.

For instance, you can easily convert a regular array into a collection using Laravel’s collect() helper. Once it’s a collection, you can use various methods to manipulate the data. Whether retrieving data from a database, processing user input, or working with any array, collections make your code cleaner and more manageable.

In short, collections make it easier and safer to work with data by offering a more intuitive way to interact with it. This saves time and reduces the need for repetitive, defective code.

Getting Started with Laravel Collections

Laravel Collections are built into the framework, so there’s no need for extra installation. If you already have Laravel set up, you can start using collections and their wide range of methods.

The easiest way to create a collection is to use the collect() helper. This converts an array into a Collection instance:

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3]);

You can also create an empty collection and add items to it later:

$collection = collect();


$collection->add([2, 3]);

Collections are immutable, meaning each method you call returns a new collection while the original collection remains unchanged. This allows for a functional programming approach where you don’t need to worry about modifying the original data.

Another powerful feature of collections is method chaining. This allows you to perform multiple operations on a collection in a single line of code. For example:

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3])

    ->map(fn($value) => $value * 2)

    ->filter(fn($value) => $value > 2);

This would result in [4, 6] multiplying each value by 2 and filtering out any values less than or equal to 2.

Some Common Laravel Collection Methods:

  • map(): Transforms each item in the collection.
  • filter(): Filters items based on a given callback.
  • reduce(): Reduces the collection to a single value.
  • pluck(): Extracts a set of values by key.
  • sort(), sortBy(): Sorts items in natural order or by a specific criteria.

Laravel collections make it easy to manipulate and transform arrays without manually iterating or writing complex logic, streamlining your code and improving readability.

Understanding the Anatomy of Laravel Collections

The anatomy of Laravel Collections includes core concepts, transformation methods, and reduction methods.

Core Concepts

Iterable Interface

Laravel collections implement PHP’s Iterable interface, which means you can loop over them using foreach loops, just like regular arrays. For example:

foreach ($collection as $item) {

    // Your code here


Lazy Collections

Laravel collections are considered “lazy collections.” This means that methods like map, filter, and others are not executed immediately. Instead, they are evaluated when the collection is looped over or iterated.

This lazy evaluation allows you to chain multiple methods together without any performance penalties. The methods won’t run until the collection is used, making the process more efficient.

For example:

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

$collection->map(fn($item) => $item * 2)

           ->filter(fn($item) => $item > 5);

Transformation Methods


The map method goes through each item in the collection and passes it to the given callback. It then replaces each item with the result returned by the callback.

For Example:

$mapped = $collection->map(function ($item) {

    return $item * 2;



The filter method allows you to filter out items from the collection. It passes each item to a callback and keeps only those for which the callback returns true.


$filtered = $collection->filter(function ($item) {

    return $item > 2;



The Each method loops through each item in the collection and passes it to the given callback. Unlike map, it doesn’t return a modified collection; it mainly performs actions on each item.


$collection->each(function ($item) {

    // Do something with each item


Reduction Methods


The reduce method reduces the collection to a single value by passing the result of each iteration into the next one. It’s useful when you want to accumulate or combine values.


$total = $collection->reduce(function ($carry, $item) {

    return $carry + $item;



The sum method calculates the total sum of all items in the collection.


$sum = $collection->sum();


The Avg method calculates the average value of all items in the collection.


$avg = $collection->avg();

Advanced Usage of Laravel Collections

You can chain multiple methods together to create method pipelines, create custom collections by subclassing Illuminate\Support\Collection, and define global custom methods with Collection Macros to reuse across all collections.

Chaining Methods

One of the most powerful features of Laravel collections is the ability to chain multiple methods together, creating method “pipelines.”

For example:

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4]);

$filtered = $collection->filter(function ($item) {

    return $item > 2;

})->map(function ($item) {

    return $item * 2;


This code is easy to read and applies multiple transformations to the collection in one go.

Custom Collections

You can create your own collection types by subclassing Illuminate\Support\Collection:

class MyCollection extends Illuminate\Support\Collection {}

$collection = new MyCollection([1, 2, 3]);

This allows you to add custom methods that will be available on all instances of your custom collection.

Collection Macros

Macros let you define custom methods that can be used on all collections globally:

Collection::macro('multiply', function () {

    return $this->map(function ($item) {

        return $item * 2;



Now, you can use your custom multiply method on any collection:

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3]);

$multiplied = $collection->multiply();

Your custom macro is now available for use on all collections.

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Practical Examples and Use Cases

Laravel collections make tasks easier, such as filtering and modifying Eloquent model relationships, processing API data, and streamlining data workflows, which helps make your code more readable and efficient for common data tasks.

Working with Eloquent Models

 Laravel collections work seamlessly with Eloquent models. For example, you can easily filter and manipulate a model’s relationships like this:

$user->products()->filter(function ($product) {

    return $product->price > 100;

})->each(function ($product) {

    // your code here


This allows you to filter products with a price greater than 100 and perform actions on each product.

Manipulating Array Data

Collections make it easier to work with API response data. For example:

$response = Http::get('/data');

$parsed = collect($response->json())->map(function ($item) {

    return formatItem($item);


This code fetches data from an API and formats each item using a collection.

Streamlining Data Processing

You can use collections to process data before displaying it, making your code cleaner and more efficient. For example:

$reportData = getData();

$processed = collect($reportData)->filter()->sort()->take(100)->map()->toArray();

return view('reports', ['data' => $processed]);

This approach simplifies controller logic and reduces the amount of processing code needed.

Collections can also be used for tasks like aggregating totals, calculating statistics, and manipulating multidimensional arrays. The methods available in collections handle many common data manipulation tasks.

Overall, collections help streamline workflows for preparing, processing, and displaying data in Laravel, making your code more expressive and easier to read.

Optimizing Performance with Laravel Collections

Laravel collections use lazy evaluation, which delays operations until they’re actually needed. This helps reduce memory usage and improves performance by processing data only when required.

Lazy Evaluation

Laravel collections delay most operations until you actually iterate over them. This allows you to chain many methods together without any immediate performance issues. For example:

$collection = Collection::make(HugeDataSet());

$filtered = $collection->filter()->map()->sort()->take(100);

At this point, no work is done yet. The processing is only performed when needed, optimizing performance by running only what’s required.

Minimizing Memory Footprint

Collections let you handle large datasets without loading everything into memory, thanks to lazy evaluation. For example:

$collection = collect($megaDataSet);

// Only ten models are loaded at a time

$collection->take(10)->each(function ($item) {

    // Process in batches of 10 models


This way, you only load a small portion of the data at a time, saving memory.

Best Practices

Here are some tips for getting the best performance with collections:

  • Use lazy evaluation to avoid optimizing too early.
  • Test for bottlenecks before making optimizations.
  • Filter data early to reduce the dataset size.
  • Use map instead of accessing properties directly when possible.
  • Measure the impact of custom macros or class extensions.

With deferred execution, you can write clear, expressive code and only optimize when it’s really needed.

Integration with Other Laravel Components

Collections work seamlessly with Blade templates, API responses, and Eloquent relationships, making it easy to manipulate data across views, responses, and models in Laravel.

Collections and Blade Templates

You can easily loop through collections in Blade using foreach:

@foreach($collection as $item)

    <!-- Display item -->


You can also pass collections directly to Blade views from route controllers.

Collections and API Responses

Laravel’s response helpers work well with collections for API responses:

return response()->json(





This approach is clean and uses collection methods to prepare the data for API responses.

Collections and Eloquent Relationships

Eloquent uses collections for relationships, so you can filter and process related data before loading the final results:


Collections work smoothly with core Laravel components like views, responses, and Eloquent models, powering many features of the framework behind the scenes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

The main difference is that Laravel collections are improved versions of PHP arrays. Collections come with extra methods that make it easier to work with data. Unlike arrays, which need manual loops and conditionals, collections let you chain methods together, making your code cleaner and easier to read.

A lazy collection in Laravel means that collection methods are only run when you actually need them, like when you loop through the data with foreach. This helps improve performance and reduces memory usage, especially when working with large datasets.

You can check if a Laravel collection is empty using the isEmpty() method. If you want to know how many items are in the collection, use the count() method.

$collection->isEmpty(); // Returns true if the collection is empty

To convert a collection into an array, just use the toArray() method:

$array = $collection->toArray();

This will turn all the items in the collection into a regular PHP array.

You can count the items in a Laravel collection using the count() method:

$collection->count(); // Returns the number of items in the collection

You can merge two collections with the merge() method. This combines the items from both collections into one:

$merged = $collection1->merge($collection2);

It returns a new collection with all the items from both collections.


Laravel collections offer a powerful and easy way to work with array data, featuring a clear and fluent interface. They use deferred execution and transformation pipelines, allowing you to chain methods without affecting performance. This lazy evaluation means operations only run when needed, making your code more efficient and readable.

Methods like map, filter, and reduce handle most common data manipulation tasks in Laravel, and collections integrate smoothly with core features like Blade templates, Eloquent models, and API responses. They also handle large datasets efficiently by processing items in batches, reducing memory usage.

With plenty of resources available, including official documentation and community tutorials, you can easily master collections. In summary, Laravel collections simplify array and iterable data manipulation, making your development process smoother and more enjoyable. To improve your collection skills, dive into documentation, tutorials, and real-world projects.

Our blog post on learning Laravel also offers tips to help you master the framework overall. Keep practicing, and you’ll unlock the full potential of collections in Laravel.

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The Author

Anmol is a dedicated technical content writer known for her practical approach. She believes in experiencing processes firsthand before translating them into insightful content. Additionally, she is good at WordPress development and skills of digital forensics and cybersecurity. Beyond her professional endeavors, she enjoys playing sports games, particularly table tennis and badminton, valuing the balance between mental and physical agility.

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