Introducing Devrims – A User-Driven Managed Cloud Hosting Platform
Today, we are super excited to announce the Global launch of Devrims – A Managed Cloud Hosting Platform that will revolutionize your concept of what it means to be a Platform-As-A-Service, giving you the ultimate FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY over your web hosting environment parallel to none.
Previously, we were providing dedicated services to a few selected clientele who were super-satisfied with the Freedom we gave them, the Flexibility they demanded, and the 24/7 support we provided. But with our global launch, we would like to invite each and every Developer / Business Owner / Agency Owner or a thriving startup to benefit from Devrims Platform & experience the true Managed Cloud Hosting, which works on your own terms.
Now, coming back to what exactly do we mean by Freedom & Flexibility?
Well, with Devrims, you have the Ultimate Freedom to:
- Choose your preferred TECH Stack (LAMP / LEMP)
- Host multiple types of Php app on a single server
- Choose your own server-level cache service
- Scale-up and scale-down your server anytime
- Install and run multiple Php versions on a single server
- Create unlimited databases on a server in a click
Devrims offers a whole new level of Managed Cloud Hosting experience that allows you to feel at ease while taking advantage of our platform. The platform manages your servers and applications in ways you could never have expected.
The biggest issue with traditional Web Hosting up till now was that the end-user was seldom given the Freedom to configure the hosting environment on their terms. It’s almost like a “Take it or leave it” kind of a deal. Devrims gives you the Freedom to choose TECH Stack, Server-Level Cache Service, Additional Software Services like MongoDB, Elasticsearch, etc., Infrastructure Provider (Amazon Web Services and DigitalOcean), 20+ Server Locations, Multiple Databases for Single Application, Firewall Management, and many more.
All the features to incorporate your unique requirement are available in one click. You just need to select the feature from our simple yet powerful dashboard, and the system auto-configures it with your TECH Stack and Application.
We at Devrims realized this pain point and have engineered our platform from the ground up, keeping the end-user in mind and the increasing demand for a PaaS platform that gives its users the freedom and choice to decide what’s best for them and let them make decisions ‘for’ and ‘how’ they wish to utilize the service.
So, let’s dig in a little further on what Devrims has to offer:
Our Infrastructure Partners:
Devrims is powered by the most trusted & industry’s leading Cloud Service Providers: Digital Ocean and Amazon Web Services! with 20+ data center locations globally and 20+ server plans in each datacenter. You have complete freedom to choose any of the service provider’s servers and enjoy maximum performance, availability, uptime, and security knowing that you are in safe hands.
Moreover, for the first time in the Managed Cloud Hosting industry, we are introducing the concept of Server Interchangeability. Enables the users to launch and change the server family any time from the three offered server families (General Purpose Servers, CPU-Optimized Servers, and Memory-Optimized Servers) according to the applications need of server resources.
In line with our motto, “Your Web Hosting, Your Way” Devrims gives you the option to instantly launch all the mainstream Php apps on your server in a click. The system auto-select the best compatible software services based on your selected application, and its version also gives you the option to change software services according to your application needs. If you want to change the software services and version, you are free to choose.
Moreover, you can install Unlimited Applications of different types and versions on a server. We offered Managed Cloud Hosting of seven different types of applications.
- WordPress 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 5.7.2, 5.8.2, and 5.9.2
- WooCommerce 4.3.0
- Magento 1.9.4 & 2.3.4
- Joomla 3.9.20
- OpenCart &
- Raw Php 5.6, 7.X, 8.0, and 8.1
- Php Laravel 5.5, 6.20, & 8.3
Freedom To Choose Your Preferred TECH Stack:
Devrims don’t restrict users to any fixed TECH Stack compared to other Managed Cloud Hosting providers who have pre-configured TECH Stack and have already determined the best stack for their users.
We offered all the industry-leading Php TECH Stack (LAMP and LEMP) for your application. We are giving our users the option to choose whatever TECH Stack they wish to deploy on their servers. The system auto-select the best TECH Stack as a suggestion based on your application type, but you can change it in one click.
Devrims Features:
Devrims is a feature-full platform where we have left no stones unturned to maximize utilities for our users and facilitate them to a great extent. Bear in mind that these are just our introductory features and more awesome and great features are on their way! We will keep you updated as soon as we roll out any new features.
- Free Application Migration
- Unlimited Applications
- Application Staging URL
- Unlimited Domain Names
- Free SSL Certificate
- Install Multiple Database Services
- Create Unlimited Databases
- Multi-Version Php
- Services Management
- SSH & SFTP Access
- Create SSH & SFTP Users
- Server-Level Caching
- Server Scaling
- Disk Scaling
- Real Time Monitoring
Well, not only this, we also provide 24/7 Expert Technical Support over chat and ticket to assist you with all your web hosting-related matters.
Free Trial:
From today onwards, we are giving you the Free Six Days Trial so that you can first test the platform and our services meet your expectation level. You think Devrims is the best platform to host your Websites; you can add your payment details to continue our services after the trial period expiry.
Moreover, we don’t like to burden you with any upfront payments or long-term commitments, so we have chosen the “Pay-as-you-go” pricing model, which means that you will only be charged for the server resources you utilize on an hourly basis. Nothing More, nothing less. No strings attached.
- You will only be charged for the server resources you utilize on an hourly basis.
- The billing policy is postpaid every month.
- No upfront cost.
- No Long-term commitments.
So, Empower your Business with Devrims & forget about all your web hosting complexities!
Because with Devrims, YOU ARE LIMITLESS!
Happy Hosting With Devrims.