Author name: Eric Miller

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Devrims #TechTalk 004: Talentpoel’s founder Jephtah Abu Aims To Revolutionize Hiring In Africa

When it comes to tech, the world wakes up to new realities every day. This week’s interview highlights how tech is changing the wor Jephtah Abu is the architect of Talentpoel, which is changing the way that talent is acquired. With an ambition to connect individuals with opportunities, he created a platform that uses technology

Devrims #TechTalk 004: Talentpoel’s founder Jephtah Abu Aims To Revolutionize Hiring In Africa Read More »

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Devrims #TechTalk 003: Meet Warren Laine-Naida, the WordPress Mentor You Should Learn From

Warren Laine-Naida is a digital strategist, teacher, and author with a career spanning over 25 years in the WordPress industry. When he created his first website in 1998, it marked the beginning of his journey and ignited a passion for digital thinking that he now offers through his consulting, workshops, and coaching. Laine-Naida has a

Devrims #TechTalk 003: Meet Warren Laine-Naida, the WordPress Mentor You Should Learn From Read More »

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Devrims #TechTalk 002: Vikas Singhal Tells The Secret Sauce of Success behind InstaWP

Some might think that success came quickly for Vikas Singhal, founder of InstaWP. However, his journey can be summarized in the words of famed Roman philosopher Seneca: “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.” This week, we are happy to have him as our guest on this interview series, especially a few weeks before WordCamp Europe

Devrims #TechTalk 002: Vikas Singhal Tells The Secret Sauce of Success behind InstaWP Read More »

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How to Connect Google Analytics 4 With Your Magento Store

Google Analytics 4 is the newest iteration of Google’s web analytics product. It is a powerful analytical tool that gives you insights about web performance, customer engagement and most importantly your sales. Recently Google Analytics 4 will replace Universal Analytics. Over the years, the internet has evolved into a multi-functional world of touchpoints. Customers rarely

How to Connect Google Analytics 4 With Your Magento Store Read More »

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Devrims #TechTalk 001: Basilis Kanonidis from InstaWP talks about Outcome-Centred Growth, AI, and Success

Welcome to our interview series, where we delve into the minds behind remarkable innovations in the digital realm. Basilis Kanonidis, Vice President of Product at InstaWP, is our special guest today. With his profound understanding of behavioral and positive psychology, along with strategic foresight, Basilis has redefined the approach to business and product growth. Through

Devrims #TechTalk 001: Basilis Kanonidis from InstaWP talks about Outcome-Centred Growth, AI, and Success Read More »

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