How to Prepare Your Ecommerce Store for Black Friday?

8 Min | 20 September, 2023

The holiday shopping season is coming soon, and it’s time for businesses to prepare themselves for two of the biggest shopping days of the year: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. These major retail events give a valuable opportunity for businesses to drive sales, acquire new customers, clear old inventory, generate brand awareness, and boost profits.

Customers are eager to shop the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, both online and physical, even in today’s challenging economic climate. Retailers can generate massive revenue by offering significant discounts, limited-edition items, and free shipping on these high-traffic days. This can be done with early and strategic planning to optimize channel promotions.

Companies can close 2023 strong and boost their bottom line by leveraging Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year. These retail holidays have persevered as critical days for customer acquisition and sales spikes. Businesses that capitalize on shoppers’ deal-seeking mindset are sure to succeed.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Campaigns Strategies and Ideas

You should consider these strategies and ideas to prepare for BFCM Campaigns.

Sales and Discounts

Offer good percentage discounts based on order volume, limited-time lightning deal promotions, personalized promo codes tailored to customers’ interests, and free shipping on all or high-volume orders to maximize sales during the holiday shopping season. Carefully planning a schedule of enticing discounts, flash sales, and incentives throughout the season will attract customer interest, boost conversion rates, increase average order values, and contribute to your online store’s overall successful holiday period.

Test Server Load Capacity to Prepare for Traffic Load Spikes

The extreme spikes in website traffic accompanying Black Friday and Cyber Monday can strain servers and cause downtime if capacity is insufficient. It is highly recommended that store owners test load before these peak traffic events.

Simulate heavy user volumes and identify load issues using tools like Identifying and fixing the issues will help you maximize website performance in terms of speed, SEO, and accessibility under peak loads on desktop and mobile devices.

Note: First, test on a staging environment to avoid disturbing your live site.

Make Early Decisions for Inventories, Shipping, and Logistics

Retailers must make key inventory, shipping, and logistics decisions in advance to maximize sales during the high-volume Black Friday and Cyber Monday period.

Work closely with suppliers to stock enough quantities of these items, allowing extra lead times among potential pandemic-related delays. Preventing stockouts protects revenue potential and your brand reputation.

Ensure your shipping methods, like table rates, flat rates, and free shipping thresholds, are configured correctly so customers see total costs transparently before checkout. Unexpected shipping fees can cause abandoned sales.

Also, scale your logistics operations to handle the order rush without delays or errors. Review capacities with carriers and third-party logistics. You can entirely rule on holiday demand spikes with streamlined inventory acquisition, transparent shipping, and scaled logistics.

Lower the Cart Abandonment Rate and Increase Conversions

Reducing abandonments and boosting conversions should be top priorities for all businesses. You must pinpoint areas causing high abandonment, like extra fees, complex checkout, and confusing navigation. Address these through UX optimizations and streamlined checkout flows. Recover abandoned carts via email and SMS with special promotions.

Use eCommerce conversion rate tools to benchmark your site against competitors and identify improvement opportunities. Look for ways to increase on-site engagement and ease the purchasing process.

Personal Support and Live Chat

Providing personal customer support should be a top priority for retailers during the busy Black Friday period. Customers will expect quick and personalized assistance for any issues with high-volume orders.

Prepare pre-written replies for common scenarios like delayed shipments, damaged items, or unsatisfied shoppers to deliver prompt support. Staying calm and using courteous language is the key to handling all kinds of customers.

Implementing Live Chat can be an effective way for eCommerce business owners to increase conversions during high-traffic events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Live chat will remove inconvenience in the customer journey by providing website visitors with real-time support as they browse deals or checkout.

Test User Experience

Testing and optimizing the user experience should be a key priority for business owners leading to Black Friday. There are various ways to test and optimize the main improvement areas for your eCommerce site’s customer journey.

You can use tools like UserTesting to watch random visitors navigate your site and vocalize their thoughts. You can also use Google PageSpeed Insights to identify technical issues affecting performance on mobile and desktop.

Retarget the Old Customers

Retargeting the old customers is a key part of any merchant’s Black Friday strategy. Leveraging Facebook pixels, retailers can reconnect with past visitors and buyers through targeted ads showcasing their latest deals and promotions. People who have interacted with your brand make for highly responsive audiences compared to new ones. Reminding them of your store just before the sales holiday can prompt many to return and make repeat purchases. This lets you efficiently boost revenues without acquiring new customers.

Ensure your pixel is implemented across site pages to track visitors over time. Then, create BFCM ads tailored to customer segments – such as those recently viewed products or past purchasers. Merchants can profitably welcome back customers who may have forgotten about their store when the holiday arrives.

Go International

Online business owners should leverage markets to expand their Black Friday reach and sales globally. Retailers can easily create localized storefronts customized with familiar currencies, languages, domains, and payment methods for different countries with markets. This will build trust and boost conversions when engaging international customers.

It is easy to manage your international markets through the Magento admin. Merchants can look at all storefront settings in one dashboard and tap data-driven recommendations to optimize international marketing strategies. The ability to personalize international shopping experiences while centralizing control allows merchants to maximize Black Friday demand worldwide. There’s no better time than Black Friday to leverage global sales opportunities and maximize revenue growth.

Create Holiday Banners and Hero Images

Business owners should create engaging holiday-themed banners, hero images, and graphics across their eCommerce sites and promotions to maximize visual impact this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Eye-catching visuals help you to convey excitement around your BFCM deals. Anyone can generate custom graphics using templates from online tools like Canva and Taler, or you can hire a graphic designer for custom and professional designs.

Consider banner ads on site pages and emails highlighting your seasonal sales in a bold and branded style. Update homepage headers with new hero images that capture the festive spirit. The right BFCM images and visuals make your promotions stand out while conveying a seasonal vibe.

Make Backup Plans

Merchants need backup plans to handle potential interruptions with online sales surging during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Backup plans should cover all critical areas of operations, including inventory, staffing, finances, fulfillment, and customer service.

Carefully evaluate past risk events and predictable failure points. Create playbooks addressing scenarios like website outages, order backlogs, product stockouts, or support team absence. Test plans in advance to evaluate effectiveness and train teams. When disruptions occur, smooth execution will maintain sales momentum and customer satisfaction. Don’t let the lack of preparation risk your biggest revenue days. Retailers can rapidly respond to the challenges with the proper certainty measures. Being ready for the worst makes capitalizing on the best.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is the famous shopping fest that comes in the holiday season in the United States. Black Friday is marked by major retail sales events online and in physical stores every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is a popular shopping fest like Black Friday. The shopping frenzy has only grown over the years. Now, Black Friday stretches into Cyber Monday online sales, becoming a significant economic and cultural phenomenon.

When Should I start preparing for Black Friday?

Preparation for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales should start well in advance, as early as 2-3 months prior. Retailers who get a head start on planning and promotion will have a competitive advantage, with holiday shopping now extending earlier into November.


The highly anticipated shopping holidays of Black Friday and Cyber Monday present valuable opportunities for online retailers to engage customers, increase sales, and end the year on a high note. Success during these prime shopping days requires careful preparation, strategic planning, and robust eCommerce functionalities. Businesses must optimize their websites and servers to handle high-traffic influxes, create product bundles and discounts, execute effective marketing campaigns across channels, and provide excellent customer service. Good Luck for the biggest event of the year!

The Author

Anmol is a dedicated technical content writer known for her practical approach. She believes in experiencing processes firsthand before translating them into insightful content. Additionally, she is good at WordPress development and skills of digital forensics and cybersecurity. Beyond her professional endeavors, she enjoys playing sports games, particularly table tennis and badminton, valuing the balance between mental and physical agility.

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