WordPress Interviews

Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 024: Chris Badgett Talks about Opensource, WordPress and his plugin LifterLMS

Devrims: Hi Chris, thanks for your support. You have over 15 years of experience building Internet businesses. What motivated you originally to start pursuing online entrepreneurship and what were some of your early ventures? Chris: I was driven by a desire for location freedom after managing a sled dog tour business on a glacier in […]

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 023: Andrew Palmer Discusses Artificial Intelligence in WordPress

2023 is the “Year of AI”. ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022—and the world has not remained the same since that day. However, the true potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is unfolding before us. In the last eight months, several AI tools have arrived on the scene to make us more productive. It’s

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 022: Jeff Star Talks About Classic Press, Plugin Planet, and His Books

It’s easy to define Jeff Starr. He is a Creator for all things WordPress. However, it’s definitely not easy to be him. A few months back when my work colleague Anmol was writing a tutorial on how to connect Google Analytics 4 to WordPress, she mentioned Jeff Starr’s plugin in her work. She found it

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 021: Kathy Zant Talks About Unlocking Success in Digital Marketing and WordPress

Kathy Zant saw the miracle of internet very early. As the internet grew, she grew with it. From the simple days of HTML to complex universe of WordPress and beyond, Kathy has seen it all. This is why this interview is packed with information you won’t anywhere else. Like her fellow WordPress influencers, Kathy is

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 018: Andrea Zoellner Discusses Entrepreneurship and Share Digital Nomad Life Tips

If someone’s born with an entrepreneurial spirit, then you will always remain unstoppable. That’s Andrea Zollner for you in a sentence. Almost two months ago, Andrea left the calculated comfort of her 9-to-5 job to start her own thing. It’s called Keiko Furoshiki, a brand of reusable fabric gift wraps. In this interview, you will

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 017: Estela Rueda Discusses UX, WordPress and AI Preparedness

WordPress is thriving because it has a generous community doing amazing things. If you want to see the true spirit of WordPress community in a person, Estela Rueda would be one of them. By profession, she is a WordPress Consultant and User Experience Strategist. However, her work on WordPress.org is worth mentioning. She’s also known

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 016: Vito Peleg Discusses Agency Life

Vito Peleg is the Founder and CEO of Atarim.io, a visual collaboration and workflow platform for digital teams. Atarim helps teams to communicate and collaborate more effectively on creative projects, by providing a centralized platform for storing, sharing, and tracking work. Vito started his journey with a GeoCities site, which was like Wix but in

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 015: BobWP Talks About WooCommerce, Networking & Cooking(?!)

When you meet an icon like Bob Dunn (or lovingly known as “BobWP”), you can’t believe your luck. Even though my interaction with Bob are exclusively online, he is always kind and generous. In himself, Bob is an institution. You can learn from him, and the best part is that he is very open to

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 014: Pooja Derashri Provides A Peek Into WordPress 6.3

With a passion for web development and a keen interest in WordPress, Pooja Derashi embarked on a journey that led her to co-found WPVibes, where her team have developed a range of successful plugins. Throughout her career, she has honed her skills in WordPress development, actively contributed to the WordPress community, and served as a

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Chris Badgett

Devrims #TechTalk 013: Álvaro Reveals the Power of WordPress and Community Engagement

Sometimes, life takes you on a journey you may never have planned. This week for Devrims TechTalk, we have Álvaro Góis dos Santos. Despite his initial studies in Psychology, Álvaro embarked on a career path that led him to the digital and technical industry. As the manager of websites and other executive tasks at Empower

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